Folly Beach, SC
Bugging Out!
We have been carefully watching the progress of Hurricane Florence as it continues on it’s path to hit the Carolinas. We are currently in Charleston, SC and we had intended to go to Savannah for a week on Wednesday. Since the storm’s path is still fairly broad covering everything from Florida to New Jersey we decided to head inland.
We started our hurricane preparation last Friday by booking a back-up site at a campground in Statesboro, GA while we watched the weather forecast trying to guess which way the storm would go. Yesterday, after considering our options we canceled our stay in Savannah (in plenty of time to get our deposit back) and will bug out tomorrow morning to head to higher ground.
We still plan on heading to Jacksonville to see friends and family by the middle of the month.
We hope everyone is making their preparations to evacuate as needed and stay safe in the storm!
Till next time!
Better safe than sorry!