South Rim of the Grand Canyon & Camp Verde
And the end is near …… We are coming to the end of the caravan
In the fall of 2017 we signed up for a tour with Adventure Caravans of the national parks and monuments in the southwest.
And the end is near …… We are coming to the end of the caravan
Aaannnnd continuing ……. After a very nice couple of days at Mesa Verde we were
And it still continues ……. At this point, we are halfway through the tour and
And our Caravan Adventure Continues ….. One of the golden rules for RVing is to
Continuing our Caravan Adventure ….. In order to delay our arrival at the campground near
Continuing our Caravan Adventure ….. Our first day traveling with the caravan we learned how
After a relaxing week in Idaho we got to Port Angeles and started getting caught
32 Days 20 RV’s 39 People 11 Campgrounds 10 Travel Days 9 Travel Briefs 15
We have spent the last week getting to know our other caravaners and seeing the