Renaissance Festival
We finally got to spend a weekend in the coach. We spent Friday and Saturday night at the Madison KOA just south of Pittsburgh and less than ten minutes from the Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival. The trip down was only about a half hour and we were set up in time for dinner. We discovered a nice hole-in-the-wall barbecue place in New Stanton called the BBG Barbecue so we managed to avoid having to cook the first night.
Saturday we headed to the festival early to avoid the worst of the heat and the crowds. And it did get crowded. There were lots of vendors – everything from elf ears to armor. There were also plenty of choices for lunch.
The entertainment was outstanding and our one regret was not being able to see all of the performances in the one day we spent there. The Craic Show and the Righteous Blackguards were both bawdy pub fare and delightfully bawdy at that.
By far, our favorite, though was Cast in Bronze. Frank DellaPenna plays the carillon accompanied by prerecorded tracks. It was quite an impressive performance – not just great music. Check out his video on YouTube:
Once we got back to the coach we fiddled around a little trying some new things. This was the first time we added the flag and the weather station to the set up. (You can see the weather station on the rear ladder. I think the flag is obvious.) I’m not sure if the weather station was good timing or a jinx, but Sunday morning we woke up to a torrential downpour. From 6am until 9am we had over an inch of rain. We packed up between squalls and headed home.